Heritage Shunters Trust

HST Visitor Information
HST working members are usually at Rowsley on Saturday and Sunday between 10am and 3pm
However, due to holidays etc. if you wish to make sure that someone will be available to give you a guided tour of the collection, please email syr_03099@yahoo.co.uk and d2139@hotmail.co.uk or send a message via our Contact Us page at least 3-4 days prior
Please note that there is a minimum donation of £5 for a guided tour
For more up to date information please visit our Facebook page:
Heritage Shunters Trust
Donations now accepted by Paypal.
To make it easier to donate to the Heritage Shunters Trust we have added a Donate Button below, just click on it and add the appropriate amount in the next window. Many thanks for your generosity.
The Early Days (Circa 1988?)

Photo courtesy of Adrian Booth
Attercliffe in the East End of Sheffield, and we had been invited by Sheffield City council on the pretext of building a Steam Railway, through the "East End Park" which was situated adjacent to this site. This location was the recently demolished Brown Bayleys steelworks and just to the left of this was their lorry garage, which we had converted into a loco shed. This was to be our base, but you can read more about this sad saga on our History Tab (click on at the top of this page). Apologies in not being able to name everyone on the photo. I don't recognise the guy with glasses and bib and brace overalls, stood at the back or the young lad in the recently acquired unique 06 locos cab, but from left to right on the front row.........................................................
Tony Howard (RIP), Mark Whittlestone, Dave Hardy, Martin Brailsford , Jeff Watts(RIP), Glenn Atkinson, Dave Wing (RIP). This location became the Don Valley stadium as we discovered to our consternation just a little later, but as mentioned see our history and judge for yourselves how we were treated. Many thanks to Adrian Booth for this unique photo and insight into one of our past homes.
Click on News tab above, to witness, "Waking from their Slumbers!!"
Just adding to 08 photos 08244 & 0nwards!
Please click "photographs" tab above ,then 08.
21/11/20 You Lucky People!! , as Tommy Trinder used to say (Do you remember him?) Okay, ok I'm showing my age, but that's also showing, as I'm locked away at home again, as multifarious OAPs are!! All being well the "Saturday Gang" would have been at Rowsley to day, doing what they do best ,getting dirty, putting the world to rights, and making sure the locos and infrastructure of HST are "Tickety Boo". I suppose I'm getting round to saying that I'm posting again in "John's Blog" column, so watch the space. If anyone has anything Railway related, they would like to submit for the column, please do so, but try to stay on the side of decency, and pieces not involving future litigation, not everyone would agree, but I can ill afford the time to spend behind bars!!

A blast from the past,the entrance to our old site at Meadowhall on the left ,and on the right middle distance is the old Yorkshire Engine Co ,premises,still in use today as a tube maufacturing company
The 08 Odyssey Continues!
Please click on the Photographs Tab. Then class 08, and scroll down to see the fate of later classmates.
Donations now accepted by Paypal.
To make it easier to donate to the Heritage Shunters Trust we have added a Donate Button below, just click on it and add the appropriate amount in the next window. Many thanks for your generosity.